
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Google IO 2011: Androidify (Updated)

If you have not taken the time to Androidify yourself today is a good day to do so.  Today is the first day of Google I/O and there is no better way show Google how much you love them then to make your own little android character.

The app was just updated today with the ability to put your androids up on a live wallpaper.

Stay tuned today and follow me close on twitter to hear the latest news and announcements Google has for us today. Rumors so far are talking about a Google Music and even a new version of Android.

Download Androidify Here

Well want and exciting Google I/O event that was. Here is a run down of the main announcements.

Google Music Beta was launched to today. You can get the app if you have Android 2.2. Download it here. They online integration will allow you to upload all of your music online. It will keep all your play lists and in sync since you will stream it to your device. For now it will only be for the US. They will be rolling this feature out in waves so go here to request an invite.

Google Movies is a new service that allows you to stream movies from your computer, tablet, or smartphone. The Android app will be available in the coming weeks and you can rent movies from the Android Market right now. On the market you will have the option once you rent a movie to watch in a 24 hour period. If you are going to be traveling without a data connection you will also have the option to download it to your device.

Honeycomb 3.1. This update will first be coming to the Motorola Xoom and will offer new UI features to the tablet OS. It will include the Google Movies app and allow for you to browse more than just five recent applications. This allows for greater multitasking capabilities. Also each app is completely frozen when you switch to another so you don't have to worry about how many apps are running in the back ground, this way they are not really running they are just paused and waiting for you to go back to them. This update will also be coming to Google TV and allow you to use the Android Market on your TV this summer.

Ice Cream Sandwich! Right now I am not sure what number they will use for this but it will be the next Android version for smart phones. In this version they are working to brink all of the Honeycomb features to your phone. With this update they have also teamed up with most carriers and manufacturers to produce faster updates for each device. They are also guaranteeing an 18 month window of updating a phone to the latest software or unless the phones hardware is not capable of supporting the new features.

Android at home is a new way that Android is going to be placed in different devices so that you can interact in new ways with your own home products. This is something that will take a bit to be fully out in the market but was mentioned today to get developers working on products so that when the feature is fully ready there will be many apps to interact with.

Well I know I missed some info because there was a ton of stuff announced but I hope this helps you know what Google has been up to.


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